Jan 01 2013
Happy New Year to all of my readers.
Neurologica is now 6 years old. I have published 1,270 posts. It has been a great experience and I look forward to continue blogging in 2013. What I enjoy most about blogging is the immediate feedback that I get – so thank you to everyone who has taken the time to leave comments, whether they are typo corrections, thoughtful dissertations, or quick impressions they are extremely useful to me as a science communicator. Also thank you to everyone who has left topic suggestions – I do review them frequently and use them as a source of topic ideas.
An active blog is actually a community, and I am proud of the one I have here. My recent post on Sandy Hook is a good example. The discussion in the comments was exactly the kind of discussion that I think is most constructive. It was respectful and based mostly on evidence and arguments. I read many blogs, and this is more of the exception than the rule. There was also vigorous debate, not just a chorus of agreement. I think a successful blog is one in which I learn as much or more from all of you as you learn from me.
So thanks again, and I will see you in the comments in 2013.