The Z-Files #6

The Z-Files #5

The Z-Files #4

The Z-Files #2

The Grand Unified Woo-Woo Theory

April 2000 by Marc Berard Living Energy Universe (Hampton Roads Pub. Inc., Charlotsville, VA, 1999), written by Dr. Shwartz and Dr. Russek, is the latest attempt at a “theory of everything,” including everything paranormal. What Shwartz and Russek have done is take the basic concept of feedback loops and do some wild speculation that does […]

Magnetic Attraction

October 1999 by Dave Shapiro On Sunday, August 1st, my wife Denise and I went to watch the final round of the GHO golf tournament in Cromwell, CT. Because there were thousands of people watching this every day, this was an ideal place for venders to pay for space to set up areas to demonstrate […]

Two Mass Delusions in New England

April 1998 by Robert E. Bartholomew “Light Bulb” Mania of 1897, and the Great Airship Hoax of 1909-1910 Collective delusions and so-called mass hysterias take many forms, of which there are at least four common types. For a detailed discussion of each type, see my recent article in The Skeptical Inquirer (May-June, 1997). I will […]

A Neuroscientist Investigates Acupuncture

October 1998 by Robert Drysdale Dr. Novella’s comprehensive articles on alternative medicine have led me to a question: since alternative medicine lacks, for the most part, any scientific justification for its use, what then, aside from the given that many Americans are science illiterates to an alarming degree, accounts for its increasing popularity?… according to […]


January 2001 By Robert Novella We survived the arrival of a new millennium without significant incident, despite numerous predictions of societal collapse by a host of doomsayers and apocalypse predictors. What were the origins of the anticlimactic Y2K bug and the fear it inspired? Much to the surprise of many people, the world did not […]

The Physics and Fantasy of Firewalking

July 1999 by Robert Novella Many alleged powers of the mind, like reading another person’s thoughts or seeing the future, can be very subjective phenomena with ambiguous experimental results. Firewalking, however, cannot be denied. For centuries thousands of people have undeniably and routinely walked barefoot over long beds of hot coals. This coal, or wood […]