Arnie’s World is a skeptical cartoon created by Evan Bernstein for the New England Journal of Skepticism.
Arnie’s World #1
Arnie’s World #2
Arnie’s World #3
Arnie’s World #4
Arnie’s World #5
Arnie’s World #6
Arnie’s World #7
Arnie’s World #8
Arnie’s World #9
Arnie’s World #10
Arnie’s World #11
Arnie’s World #12
The Z-Files is a skeptical cartoon created by Rolf Maurer for the NESS
The Z-Files #1
The Z-Files #2
The Z-Files #3
The Z-Files #4
The Z-Files #5
The Z-Files #6
The Z-Files #7
The Z-Files #8
The Z-Files #9
The Z-Files #10
The Z-Files #11